Dec 16, 2015

Lessons from Nirbhaya rape-3rd Anniversary of Nirbhaya Case

Today marks three years since the gruesome Delhi gang-rape. While a lot of nonsensical and regressive statements were being made by those in power, the junta took to social media to discuss the shocking incident, what ails women’s safety in India and urgent steps that should be taken to curb crimes against women. Here’s our pick of some of the best advices and the lessons learnt.

Definite punishment 

From death penalty to public castration to pelting with stones until death – there have been many suggestions as to how to punish the rapists. Debates and argument haven’t helped to reach a conclusion about the perfect punishment that will act as a deterrent. However, what has been highlighted and need attention amidst all this is the need for a definite punishment. Granting bail to rapists and letting law take its own sweet time to convict and punish will only encourage the cruel minds to turn their intentions into actions. This was also seen in the latest Uber rape case, where the cab driver threatened the survivor of hurting her with an iron rod citing Nirbhaya’s example. 

Gender sensitization
What breaks a woman’s spirit more than the rape? It is the aftermath of it. The interrogation process that follows is rather humiliating with undertones of blame for the women involved. The need of the hour is to stop putting the blame on the women and posing questions like ‘what she was doing’ or ‘what she was wearing’, instead there needs to be awareness and sensitization programmes to better equip the doctors, nurses, police and lawyers to deal with rape survivors. Along with sex education in schools, young men in schools and colleges should also be educated about gender sensitization. Change in mindset is one of the most important aspects if we want to see a difference. 

The rape cases in the recent past and the public outrage and media coverage that followed has forced the law makers to bring about stringent changes in law and set up fast track courts. However, the numbers of rape and sexual harassment cases haven’t gone down. Reason: While there are laws to protect women and punish the offenders, there is no string and strict implementation. We have been promised the set up of crisis centres, but the lack of funds ails their functionality. We have been promised increased police patrolling on the streets, but these are certainly not enough. The failure of justice and public safety system are hugely responsible for the crimes against women.

Safer transport system
Both the Nirbhaya and Delhi Uber rape incidents point towards the laxity of both the government and police in verifying the drivers of vehicles plying on our roads. Verification of drivers of all public as well as private vehicles should be made mandatory. All buses, trains, cabs should have CCTV cameras installed and GPS system so that they can be tracked. 

Speak up
Speak up against violence, however big or small; irrespective of the perpetrator, one that you know or a stranger. Nirbhaya lost her life but she has left us with this important lesson. And it is only encouraging that the Uber rape survivor too chose to go to the police. The increased awareness of what constitutes rape and the extensive reportage are encouraging women to take a stand and speak up against atrocities. 

Stand up 
When you choose to be a silent onlooker while a crime is taking place, you also become a part of the crime. Nirbhaya and her friend were thrown out of the bus without any clothes on them. They were lying there for help on that cold winter night but no one came forward to help them. It is this ignorance that helps the criminal minds to get their way. A lot of videos have gone viral in the recent past showing how a woman is being harassed on a busy street during the day with no one coming forward to help her. Do we expect crime to stop by merely being a bystander? We need to stand up against violence, be it for yourself, for one of your own or for a stranger.

It is everybody’s battle
It was the public outrage on social media, candle marches around the country, protests by NGOs and political outfits, exhaustive media coverage and follow-ups that put pressure on the lawmakers and the police to nab the culprits in Nirbhaya’s case. The same worked again during the Shakti Mills rape case and the more recent Uber cab rape case. India saw a collective demand for change. Let’s not let this fire burn out. Let’s not forget Nirbhaya as just another rape case. Let’s not only outrage over rape cases that go viral. Let’s collective demand what we deserve, safety for every woman in this country for a collective demand is the only way that change will be created.

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